'You marked " resource name " as a resource. You cannot schedule a meeting with " resource name " because you do not have the appropriate permissions for that account. Either enter the name as a required or optional attendee or talk to your administrator about giving you permission to schedule " resource name " . '
We tried SO MANY suggestions on this issue before hitting on the magic method in this thread The following steps cleared up this error for all users in all configurations:
- Make sure you have full access permissions on the calendar (done in EMC)
- Create an Outlook profile from the Mail control panel for the resource account
- Open Outlook with the resource profile
- Go to Tools > Options > Calendar Options > Resource Scheduling
- Uncheck all options!
It seems paradoxical that un-checking these options would work. Stranger still is that the calendars continue to automatically process requests, etc. after un-checking these options. Oh well, another mystery solved!