Friday, April 12, 2013

Run Cisco ASDM client on x64 machine

The official Cisco solution is to only use the web client, but this workaround seems to solve the issue. The Cisco ASDM launcher is configured to use javaw.exe inside c:\windows\syswo64\ but this path causes the connection to hang and never connect.

1. Install ASDM normally - From the interface at
2. Edit a shortcut - I tend to create a shortcut from the start menu item onto the desktop. Right click and select properties. Change the Target path to use javaw.exe inside Program FIles for example:

"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_21\bin\javaw.exe" -Xms64m -Xmx512m -Dsun.swing.enableImprovedDragGesture=true -classpath lzma.jar;jploader.jar;asdm-launcher.jar;retroweaver-rt-2.0.jar"

The client will now work as expected. You're welcome.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Get Dell Service Tag Remotely

I recently needed to know the service tag of a remote machine. I found this article which gave me the simple instructions which follow:

1. RDP into remote machine.
2. Open command prompt.
3. Enter: wmic bios get serialnumber

Now get with Dell and get your system fixed!